Are you looking for relaxation tips?

Well, here they are!
On Fridays, I literally do a happy dance! The tone of my voice is more cheerful and you can hear the smile. People are amazed and ask why am I so cheerful. They ask for my relaxation tips.
I wasn’t always this way…I would just drag into the weekend. I would think of my stressful week and want to just hibernate. But then I focused on the possibility of just unplugging for the weekend.
Did someone say mini vacay!
Do you feel like that too? Like you want to just chillax and pamper yourself a bit?
Yup…I can really relate!
So, your wedding seems so far away but now…suddenly, there is little time your big day. Every day is one day closer to your dream!
I remember when my son was getting married, every weekend was another interview with a vendor, another visit, another review, more research on wedding tips…
And… and… and…
With so much to do and think about, it’s almost certain that you will find this period a little bit stressful. And just remember, there is no pause button to put life, jobs, obligations on hold because you are planning this special event.
I know what it feels like to be a bride planning a big day.
Here are some of my favorite tips to help you relax and feel amazing before your big day. Keep in mind you can make these tips simple or elaborate. The point is to try something, so you can de-stress.
1) Meditate – With so many details to give your attention to it is very easy to feel overwhelmed. This tip will clear you head of all thousands of things running through it. Take some time and breathe for a minute per day to get relaxed.
2) Aromatherapy – This is one of my favorite tips when I am stressed. Nothing puts me in a better mood than getting in the tub with some great smelling candle and a nice warm bath. Lavender, chamomile, jasmine and basil have soul soothing capabilities so them in your bath or brew some floral tea.
3) Pamper – A facial, a manicure and pedicure, a hair-do, getting your brows arched and filled in or your favorite style of massage can work wonders in relieving stress as well as making you feel amazing about how you look. Don’t think of these treats as indulgences. Think of them as necessities for staying well-balanced, de-stressed and on point.
4) Exercise – Not only will exercising help you look amazing for that stunning dress or tuxedo, but it has amazing emotional and psychological effects as well. Take a walk, go for a run or take a dance class. Physical activity will help produce uplifting and stress-stabilizing endorphins.
5) Journal – This is a safe way for you to express your feelings and not let them bottle up. Identify what you are stressed about and address the topic. Keep your mind fresh with as many positive thoughts as possible.
6) Romance – Too many days and nights of planning can leave you too tired or stressed to spend quality time with your fiancé. Schedule time together, plan date nights, a movie night or just time together without planning. De-stress together and enhance your mood.
These are 6 great tips to help you unwind. You know you do not have to be stressed and there is no need to spend your precious time doing things you do not enjoy. Free yourself of the stress and know when to get help.
Let us know about your ideas and tips for relaxation.